Returns Policy & Process



Before you finalize your order, you’ll be given various delivery options to choose from with estimated delivery time and dates depending on the delivery address.

We work our MAXX socks off to try to meet all delivery times, but sometimes there may be delays – e.g., because of postal/courier delays or logistics. We will keep you updated as much as we can.

Please check out our Delivery and Returns Page for more info. Any problems with your delivery? Please let us know within 24h of the time your order should have been delivered, and we’ll do our best to help you.


Standard Return Policy

There are a few important things to keep in mind when exchanging a product you purchased online from MAXX Group:

  • You have 24h to exchange an item from the date you received it.
  • Only items that have been purchased directly from MAXX, either online or at a MAXX Store, can be exchanged to MAXX.
  • Please ensure that the item you’re exchanging is still in its original condition, with the ticket and things that were included when you received it (e.g., shoes should be exchanged with the original shoe box).

Ineligible Items for Return

  • Underwear items are ineligible for return.

Delivery Costs and Proof of Postage

Depending on the country you live in, you’ll be responsible for the cost of exchanging any items. If you want to exchange the item, you may need to pay for postage based on the size of your package.

Original Condition

Of course, it’s fine to try an item on like you would in a shop, but please don’t actually wear it. If an item is exchanged to us damaged, worn, or in an unsuitable condition, we won’t be able to give you a solution and we may have to send it back to you (and ask you to cover the delivery costs).

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